CNIC opens the call for INPhINIT Incoming scholarships of Fundación “la Caixa”

Fundación “la Caixa” has launched a new call for applications for INPhINIT Incoming PhD scholarships. The initiative offers a total of 30 places for researchers of all nationalities who wish to pursue their doctorate in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and health sciences) at research centres of excellence in Spain and Portugal.

The National Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC), thanks to its accreditation as a Severo Ochoa Centre, is one of the places where the programme can be carried out.

These fellowships have a maximum duration of four years and are designed to support the best scientific talent and foster innovative research. In addition to the financial endowment to cover labour, research and PhD tuition fees, the programme offers training in transversal skills.

Those selected will have the opportunity to join one of the CNIC’s research groups. You can find out more in the Research section of our website. You can also watch this video to learn more about the research carried out at the centre.

To do a PhD in one of the research groups participating in the CNIC’s strategic programmes, interested candidates can contact the principal investigator of the research line of interest directly.

The selection process for the INPhINIT Incoming scholarships is carried out by Fundación “la Caixa” and candidates must submit their application by 23 January 2025 at 14:00. The results of the pre-selection and the call for interviews will take place on 11 April 2025. The selection interviews will take place on 28-29 May 2025. Finally, the names of those selected will be published on Fundación “la Caixa” website on 6 June 2025.

More information and submission of applications