Don´t miss the new videos showcasing research at the CNIC

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and the exponential increase in the cost of its treatment poses a burden that is hardly sustainable for patients, families, and healthcare systems. In the face of this challenge, the CNIC has decided to address three objectives:

  1. Understand cardiovascular health.
  2. Improve the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
  3. Make advances in the treatment once it has manifested.

To achieve these goals, the CNIC conducts studies that provide insights into the molecular and cellular processes underlying the disease. Additionally, it aims to translate these findings into direct improvements in health promotion, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease.

To tackle these challenges, the CNIC is organized into 7 programs. These programs span from basic research to advanced clinical trials that transform health. They rely on CNIC’s expertise, cellular and animal models, cutting-edge technology, imaging modalities, and large-scale data collection and analysis.

This video provides a glimpse into the CNIC’s mission and the research undertaken, supported by the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence accreditation of Spain’s Ministry of Science and Innovation

To explore further, watch the following videos highlighting specific CNIC programs (click on the program to view the YouTube video):

  1. Novel mechanisms of atherosclerosis
  2. Myocardial homeostasis & cardiac injury (MERCURY)
  3. Cardiovascular regeneration
  4. Novel arrhythmogenic mechanisms
  5. Cardiovascular risk factors & brain health
  6. Cardiovascular health promotion
  7. Technology development

These videos are part of CEX2020-001041-S funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033.