Junior Group Leader Position in Quantitative Biology

Junior Group Leader Position in Quantitative Biology
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Barcelona, Spain

The Department of Medicine and Life Sciences (MELIS) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) aims to fill a Junior Group Leader position in the field of Quantitative Biology. We are looking for candidates in the early stage of their career with and an excellent track record in biomedical research that effectively combines experimental work and computational/machine learning approaches to study living systems quantitatively, in areas including, but not limited to, metabolomics, evolutionary medicine, regenerative medicine, aging, neuroscience, systems genetics, bioengineering, and cell and developmental biology.

Successful candidates will be highly accomplished young scientists with a PhD in Biology, Bioinformatics, Physics, Computational Biology or a similar field, and a strong capacity to lead high-impact research projects that integrate both experimental and computational approaches. The future group leader should be able to supervise directly both the experimental and computational work, and be driven by a desire to contribute to questions of biological and/or clinical relevance, independently and in collaboration with other researchers from the Department. The selected candidate is also expected to attract national and international research funds, supervise doctoral theses, and teach courses that include quantitative approaches to biology at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The Department of Medicine and Life Sciences at UPF
MELIS (https://www.upf.edu/biomed) is an internationally renowned biomedical research center in Barcelona, Spain. It is located at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB, https://www.prbb.org) with other research institutes, including the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (HMRI), the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL Barcelona), and the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). With a staff of more than 300 scientists, MELIS combines the creation and transfer of knowledge through the seamless integration of research and teaching, well in line with the vision and values of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (https://www.upf.edu), which holds top-level positions in national and international rankings for teaching quality and scientific productivity (first Spanish university in the Times Higher Education and U-Multirank rankings, 2023). The trajectory of MELIS in research excellence and innovation in education has been recognized twice with the “María de Maeztu” Unit of Excellence award by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Research at MELIS
Understanding complex biological systems, particularly in human biology and disease, requires interdisciplinary approaches integrating experimental, computational, and engineering approaches. The scientific focus of MELIS is to strengthen and expand our research horizons under the broad overall scope of molecular biomedicine, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations among our research teams. Our department is organized in Research Programs that address this challenge from an integrative perspective through all biological scales (https://www.upf.edu/web/biomed/programmes). Our research groups are supported by cutting-edge core facilities in scientific computing, flow cytometry, proteomics, genomics, advanced light microscopy, and (https://www.upf.edu/web/sct).
MELIS promotes diversity in an inclusive environment that welcomes applicants regardless of age, disability, gender, nationality, race, religion, or sexual orientation. Women are especially encouraged to apply.
Further information regarding our department and the group leader recruitment & selection process can be found at https://www.upf.edu/biomed.

The Offer
● Tenure-track position to be consolidated to a permanent faculty position after 5 years upon external peer review.
● Startup package that includes a PhD student and funding to cover initial equipment costs, and access to our core facilities.
● Office space for up to 4 people, which will necessarily be split 50/50 between experimental (wet-lab) and computational (dry-lab) work.
● Start date: June 2025.

Application Procedure
Applications must be submitted through the Interfolio website: http://apply.interfolio.com/160902

Applications should include:
1. Motivation letter, describing explicitly how your research goals fit with those of MELIS.
2. Curriculum vitae, including the information listed in the guidelines below.
3. List of 5 selected publications, with a brief description of each of them.
4. Brief proposal of your future research plans at MELIS (max. 2 pages).
Please include an estimate of the equipment and facilities needed for your research.
5. Contact details of 3 references (name, affiliation and email address) in a single document.
Application deadline: applications should be submitted by January 28, 2025.
Interviews: Short-listed candidates will be invited to an interview to be held in March-April 2025.

Contact: Dr. Regina Lopez (recruitment.melis@upf.edu), for enquiries only (applications sent by email will not be accepted).

CV guidelines

Please make sure that your CV includes the following information (although you do not need to follow this exact format, and feel free to include further information if relevant).
Maximum length: 15 pages.

1. Brief summary of academic and scientific background
2. Education/training
3. Professional academic positions
4. Publications
Specify if publications are original research articles, reviews, book chapters, or books. Provide evidence of impact (e.g., number of citations according to any citation indexing service). Please do not include conference abstracts.
5. Teaching experience
Include the course type (i.e., conventional lectures, practical courses, online courses, MOOCs, graduate or undergraduate level), name of the course, approximate number of students attending, hours per course, and whether the candidate was course coordinator or participant teacher.
6. Grants and funding
Include only grants in which you are/were the Principal Investigator. Please specify title, year, funding agency and amount granted (in US$ or €).
7. Invited conferences and talks
Include only invited talks given personally by you
8. Technology transfer
9. Other merits (courses, honors and awards, project management experience, etc.)