PhD Student – Inorganic Nanoparticles Group

The mission of the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) is to achieve the highest level of scientific and technological excellence in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Its research lines focus on the newly-discovered physical and chemical properties that arise from the behaviour of matter at the nanoscale. ICN2 has been awarded with the Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence distinction for three consecutive periods (2014-2018 and 2018-2022 and 2023-2026). ICN2 comprises 19 Research Groups, 7 Technical Development and Support Units and Facilities, and 2 Research Platforms, covering different areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Description of Group/Project:
The Inorganic Nanoparticles Group focuses on the design and development of advanced functional inorganic nanoparticles for applications in biomedicine, and catalysis. We are offering a Ph.D. position for a candidate with a strong background in chemistry, aimed at developing new organic-inorganic materials for microembolization applications. The project is part of a larger aim in cooperation with Vall d Hebron University Hospital, UB and CIBER-BNN and ICN2 responsibility is to provide samples for therapeutical microembolization.
We seek a candidate with expertise in nanotechnology, materials science and organic chemistry. Previous experience in polymer science will be highly valued.

Main Tasks and responsibilities:
The researcher will be involved in all aspects and stages of the development and testing of new organic-inorganic materials for microembolization applications. The job functions include:
• Designing and synthesizing novel organic-inorganic materials.
• Developing and optimizing protocols for the synthesis and functionalization of various types of organic and inorganic nanoparticles.
• Testing the properties and performance of materials in relevant biomedical contexts in collaboration with team members: Hebron University Hospital, UB and CIBER-BNN. Candidate responsibility is to provide samples for therapeutical microembolization. The adequacy of the candidate has to be reflected in the capacity to synchronize with consortium partners
• Documenting and analyzing experimental data, and preparing reports and presentations.
• Contributing to writing scientific publications.
• Participating in group meetings and presenting research findings.

• Education: Master’s degree in nanotechnology, chemistry or a related discipline.
• Knowledge and Professional Experience:
Expertise in organic chemistry.
Knowledge of polymer science.
Relevant experience in designing, synthesizing, and characterizing organic-inorganic materials is preferred.
• Personal Competences:
Strong commitment and motivation.
Demonstrated ability to work with deadlines.
Ability to work effectively with professionals from complementary backgrounds.

Summary of conditions:
• Full time work (37,5h/week)
• Contract Length: Temporary (3 years)
• Location: Bellaterra (Barcelona)
• Salary will depend on qualifications and demonstrated experience.
• Support to the relocation issues.
• Life Insurance.

Estimated Incorporation date: October 2024

How to apply:
All applications must be made via the ICN2 website and include the following:
1. A cover letter.
2. A full CV including contact details.
3. 2 Reference letters or referee contacts.

Deadline for applications: 15th September 2024

Equal opportunities:
ICN2 is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity and inclusion of people with disabilities.
ICN2 is following the procedure for contract of people with disabilities according with article 59 of the Royal Decree 1/2015, of 30 of October.