Centro de Investigación Mente, Cerebro y Comportamiento (CIMCYC)

A María de Maeztu unit since 2024

The Mind, Brain and Behavior Research Center (CIMCYC) is hosted in an iconic building that was constructed and equipped thanks to several European, national and regional competitive funds acquired by Psychology researchers working at the University of Granada, which recognized it as an official Research Institute in May 2015. The CIMCYC brings together world-class research in several key areas of Psychology and Neuroscience with the mission to produce excellent international science, train excellent professionals and go to great lengths to impact society and make the world a better place for its citizens. 

CIMCYC researchers study the human mind and brain, its individual variability, development, disease and rehabilitation, its interrelation with the surrounding social environment and multitude of transfer applications of this knowledge. Our greatest fortitude lies in the unique and privileged combination of state-of-the-art infrastructures at the service of these core highly multidisciplinary research topics, with outstanding researchers that teach at excellent international graduate and postgraduate training programs and also organize and participate in a myriad of community insertion activities that make our research matter to society.