Research in life sciences and medicine includes different areas of knowledge that complement each other, with the general purpose to obtain insights into life in all its levels and forms. Exploring molecules, cells, tissues as well as complete organisms and communities, is essential to develop new technologies for a better human, animal and environmental wellbeing.
Leading biomedical centres and units concentrate their efforts on improving health by fighting some of the most widespread pathologies in our society, be it cancer, cardiovascular, infectious, genetic or degenerative diseases. The interface between chemistry and biology is also explored to unveil the attributes of some of the most essential building blocks of life, such as cells, or biomolecules as proteins or nucleic acids.
Computational and systems biology tools are applied to learn about biological processes in both single organisms and complex communities. Basic and applied excellence research is also done in plant and animal science with the ultimate purpose of applying this knowledge to improve food production and agriculture. Together, the 14 centres and units devoted to life sciences and medicine work across multidisciplinary fields with the main mission to increase and apply knowledge for a better future.