Research-based spin-offs from SOMMa centres and units strive to transform inventions developed from their research into successful businesses. This is thanks to a supportive climate at centres and units, which draw on awareness of entrepreneurial opportunities among their members, have developed a culture that thrives on entrepreneurial role models among their alumni and academic staff as well as successful spin-offs that serve as inspiring examples, and actively stimulate development of entrepreneurial talent and help founders of spin-offs to obtain access to investors, consultants and other forms of support.
- Qbeast
- Qilimanjaro
- Nextmol
- Maspatechnologies
- Frontwave Imaging
- Energy Aware Solutions
- Microomics
- SixSenso
- Build Air
- LUCID Technologies
- Ona Therapeutics
- Seqera Labs
- Plant Response Biotech
- PlantResponse
- Pulmobiotics
- Treellum Technologies
- Orchestra Scientific
- InBrain Neuroelectronics
- Catechol Adhesives
- MatCO
- Quside
- Futurechromes
- INLOC Robotics
- PSTech
- Ahead Therapeutics
- CtechNano
- GraphenicaLab
- Cosingo
- Intera
- Fresh Water Nature
- Inergy
- Quantech ATZ
- CIMNE Tecnología
- Sequentia Biotech
- Life Length
- Miwendo Solutions
- Datision
- Portable Multimedia Solutions
- Voctro Labs
- BMAT Music Innovators
- Lyncos Technologies – Lhings
- FAIR Data Systems
- Beedata Analytics
- Scipedia
- Oktics ATZ
- ZeClinics
- ZeCardio
- Citechsa
- Innovex Therapeutics
- Droplite
- Bioncotech
- Senolytx
- aScidea
- qGenomics
- Genomics4All
- Compass
- ATLAS Molecular Pharma
- Amalfi Analytics
- Reactable
- Eodyne
- Nanomol Technologies
- Sensia
- Nanotargeting
- Prospero Biosciences
- Proteobotics
- Evolgene
- Paperdrop Diagnostics
- Earthdas
- Predictia, S. L.
- ELEM Biotech
- Mitiga Solutions
- Nearby Computing
- Biod
- Applied Nanoparticles
- MusicMuni Labs
- Inbiomotion
- NanoInnova
- HemoPhotonics
- Signadyne
- ProCareLight
- Radiantis
- Dapcom Data Services
- Iproteos
- Ideas Service (SiUB)
- Nostrum Biodiscovery
- Graphenea
- Bacmine
- Telomere Therapeutics