Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB)

A María de Maeztu unit since 2015

The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB is a transdisciplinary science institute that develops vital and strategic knowledge towards strong sustainability. Spanning the natural and social sciences, ICTA-UAB trains researchers and practitioners, and partners with diverse interest groups to strengthen ecosystems health and foster socio-environmental transformation and innovation, with the ultimate goal of empowering society with science to address global challenges. The center’s tagline, “Brave Science for a Changing World”, reflects its commitment to interdisciplinary research and social justice, and to working towards brave solutions that challenge the status quo and demand bold action from policymakers.
Research framework
ICTA-UAB’s research aims to better understand the social and environmental challenges that must to be addressed to guarantee human progress and social equity on an ecologically sustainable Earth. Its research framework is structured around 5 areas (Oceans, Land, Cities, Consumption and Policies), that encompass global, inter-related environmental and societal challenges, including climate change, ocean acidification and water pollution, biodiversity loss, resource extraction, environmental mobilization and conflicts, and their social and economic ramifications.
ICTA-UAB is the only research centre in environmental sciences to be identified as a Unit of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), the highest institutional recognition of scientific research in Spain.

Key Facts of Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB)

66 Researchers
49 Phd Candidates
9 Research groups
8 ERC Grants
Number of ongoing ERC grants at ICTA, as of 2016.
8 ICREA Professors
Number of Research professors by the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies.
227 Indexed articles
(156 1st quartile)
“The Maria de Maeztu accreditation has helped us build the foundations for a more international and care-driven scientific community, where research success is not only measured in terms of quality papers and new discoveries, but also on the basis of societal relevance, impact, and our capacity to transfer knowledge within and beyond academic institutions.”
Esteve Corbera
Scientific Director at ICTA - UAB