Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante (IN – CSIC – UMH)

A Severo Ochoa center since 2017

Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH (IN)

The Instituto de Neurociencias (IN) is a joint initiative of both the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University “Miguel Hernandez” (UMH) of Elche, Alicante. The IN is a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence since 2014.

Our mission is to achieve a fundamental understanding of the development, structure and function of the nervous system under normal and pathological conditions. Our research will contribute to a society with fewer mental and neurological disorders, healthier aging and fulfilling lives.

Brain research is a prime example of scientific challenge with great societal impact. The biological bases of cognition and complex behaviours remain poorly understood but their elucidation hold promise to answer long-sought questions about human nature. The quest for a better understanding of the brain has taken on new urgency due to the enormous social and financial burden of brain diseases. Neurodegenerative and mental illnesses now represent an economic cost equivalent to cancer and heart diseases together. Moreover, the rise in life expectancy requires increasing the number of healthy years and preventing age-related cognitive decline and other age-related diseases, such as chronic pain, that target the nervous system. There is no doubt that advances in neuroscience will influence society at all levels, from health and quality of life to market economics, ethics and law, but equally certain is that these cannot be achieved without understanding the basic principles of brain functioning. We aim to consolidate the IN as a reference centre in the European Research Area in which to pursue forefront questions in neuroscience.

We are committed to foster scientific excellence and offer career development opportunities by attracting the brightest neuroscientists at all levels, and by providing access to a unique catalogue of technical services and a nurturing and collaborative environment, in order to pursue cutting-edge questions in neuroscience.

Key Facts of Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante (IN – CSIC – UMH)

87% Publications in Q1 journals
According to SCImago Institutions Ranking [SIR] 2016
56% Competitive Funding
Average in the 2013-16 period
7 Cumulative ERC Grants
3 Starting, 1 Consolidator, 2 Advanced until 2016
124 Researchers in Training Programmes
42 Postdoctoral & 82 Predoctoral Trainees
The appointment as a "Severo Ochoa" Centre of Excellence has been a reward for the effort of the researchers of the Institute of Neurosciences to achieve scientific excellence. In times of an economic crisis that has seriously curtailed basic research in our country, the chance to develop our "Severo Ochoa" Scientific Program with extra funds allowed us to continue our commitment for excellence, especially with regard to the recruitment of talent and training of young people, which made possible our researchers succeeding in new and challenging endeavours.
Juan Lerma
Former IN Director, and SOMMa implementation coordinator at IN