Project HENSA (High Efficiency Neutron Spectrometry Array) aims to characterize the neutron background produced by cosmic rays and its connection with solar activityThe results will enable to better understand phenomena such as coronal mass ejections taking place at the SunThe obtained insights will support the efforts to diminish the impact of electronics-disrupting events with their […]
The Synergy-2020 NEXT-BOLD project aims to discover whether the neutrino is its own antiparticle, and thereby to answer fundamental questions about the origin of the universe.Researchers of DIPC, UPV/EHU and Ikerbasque, with the participation of Harvard University, obtain the first ERC Synergy for the Basque Country, with a budget of close to 10 million euros.The […]
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey provides a comprehensive analysis of the largest three-dimensional map of the Universe ever created.The international study had the participation of the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona, the Institute of High Energy Physics and the Autonomous University of Madrid.The study fills som of the most significant gaps […]