An international team with involvement of ICMAB and IMB-CNM researchers develops a medical device capable of monitoring heart failure from saliva samples.The instrument contains a biosensor chip which teams up with functionalized magnetic nanoparticles in order to detect heart failure-related biomarkers found in saliva.The device, developed in the framework of the European project KardiaTool, can be […]
Project HENSA (High Efficiency Neutron Spectrometry Array) aims to characterize the neutron background produced by cosmic rays and its connection with solar activityThe results will enable to better understand phenomena such as coronal mass ejections taking place at the SunThe obtained insights will support the efforts to diminish the impact of electronics-disrupting events with their […]
Guidelines are issued according to the volume of the room, the number and age of students, the activity level and the incidence of coronavirus in the regionSolutions and examples are provided for a wide range of situations in schools, and offers the tools to evaluate if the ventilation is adequate. Easy-to-read summaries, infographics and a […]
In the framework of an ERC proof-of-concept European Project, Magnetic Supercapacitors, new hybrid materials for energy storage based on graphene and magnetic nanoparticles, have been developed. The rapid increase in energy demand in recent years has accelerated the search for low-cost alternatives for energy storage and conversion. Currently, batteries are still considered as the dominating […]
The development of a rechargeable battery technology using light electropositive metal anodes would bring in a breakthrough in energy density. For divalent charge carriers (M2+), the number of ions that must react to achieve a certain electrochemical capacity is diminished by two when compared to Li+. This would allow for the design of higher energy […]
Last year, ICIQ researchers discovered a blue material capable of ‘trapping’ CO₂ molecules. This new material –a metal-organic framework– slows down CO₂ molecules, allowing the separation of carbon dioxide in a mixture of gases. Now, researchers will commercialise said technology with a new spin-off company – Orchestra Scientific. Even shortly after Orchestra kicked off, it […]
GRAPHENEA, nanoGUNE’s first start-up company launched in April 2010 as a joint venture of private investors and nanoGUNE, has become a world leader in the production of high-quality graphene. In 2013, Repsol and the Spanish Center for Industrial Technology Development (CDTI) signed an agreement to invest one million euros in GRAPHENEA. Following the foundational agreement […]
Department of Signal Theory and Communications (COMMSENSLAB) Copernicus Masters “ESA Sentinel Small Satellite Challenge” Prize 2017 and overall Copernicus Masters winner awarded to the FSSCat FSSCat is an innovative satellite mission concept, consisting of two federated (“assembled”) 6U Cubesats in support of the Copernicus Land and Marine Environment services. These modules carry a variety of […]
Institute of Molecular Science at University of Valencia (ICMOL-UV) An international team of physicists and chemists, including scientists from the Institute of Molecular Science of the University of Valencia (ICMol), has developed a new strategy to improve the performance of quantum bits (qubits) for quantum computation: they are making these nanomagnets invisible to magnetic field […]
IMDEA Nanociencia is coordinating the ByAxon project funded by the European Union through the programme for Future and Emerging Technologies (FET-OPEN, € 3.7 M, 48 months). The consortium consists of four research centres, a hospital and a medium-size company bringing together the expertise from four different European countries (Spain, Italy, France and Germany), and will […]
IRI, the Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, a Joint University Research Institute of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), was involved in the last edition of the program “Young People, Science and Ethics” co-organised by the FCRi and “la Caixa” Foundation, in collaboration with the Government of […]
The Superconducting Materials and Large Scale Nanostructures (SUMAN) group has participated in the EU-funded project EUROTAPES, whose main goal is to develop superconducting tapes to improve energy efficiency in Europe. The project, which counts with the participation of excellent researchers in the field, and the involvement of leading global companies and universities, has produced 600 […]