The III Event on Gender Equality of the SOMM alliance organized by the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology will take place on June 17th to celebrate an open debate around gender issues. The event will start with a keynote speech by Jakob Feldtfos Christensen, Founder and the director of Diversiunity. With a long track […]
II Event on Gender Equality of the SOMM alliance 01.06.2021On May the 26th took place the second event on Gender Equality of the SOMM alliance, organized by the Institute of Mathematical Sciences for the SOMMa community.International expert Donna Ginther gave her conference “Women and STEM: Are Differences in Education and Career due to Stereotypes, Interest or Family?” as the central part of the event.María […]
Gender-based division of labor 4,000 years ago 15.02.2021A study of dental wear of 106 individuals of the Argaric culture buried in Castellón Alto (Granada, Spain) shows evidence of gender-based division of labour as early as 4,000 year agoThe evidence indicates that only women of the at El Argar culture used their anterior teeth to make threads and stringsThe study provides a better […]