222 ERC advanced grants awarded on Friday 29th March, summing a total of 540 Million EuroFour of the ten grants to Spanish proposals were awarded to SOMMa membersSOMMa members research areas are quantum technologies, atmospheric dynamics and the very early origins of matter along with elusive mathematical model The ERC awards The European Research Council […]
The Big Bell Test 16.04.2018•On November 30th 2016, more than 100,000 people participated in the BIG Bell Test, a global experiment to test the laws of quantum physics. •Participants were able to complete more than half a million levels of the video game that generated more than 90 million bits, a number that tripled the initial expectations of the […]
IGFAE’s Astroparticle Physics group contributes to two of the “Physics World Top Ten Breakthroughs of 2017” 16.02.2018Galician Institute of High Energy Physics (IGFAE) The Physics World top 2017 Breakthrough of the Year awarded by the prestigious magazine Physics World has gone to the international team of astronomers and astrophysics that made the first ever multi-messenger observation involving gravitational waves and electromagnetic radiation from the merger of two neutron stars in a […]
ICMol takes part in a research on invisible magnetic molecules published in ‘Nature’, a step towards quantum computersInstitute of Molecular Science at University of Valencia (ICMOL-UV) An international team of physicists and chemists, including scientists from the Institute of Molecular Science of the University of Valencia (ICMol), has developed a new strategy to improve the performance of quantum bits (qubits) for quantum computation: they are making these nanomagnets invisible to magnetic field […]
Scientists of IBM Zurich and IFT Madrid observe quantum anomalies in solid objects 13.02.2018Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) An international team of physicists, in a joint collaboration including experts from the fields of materials physics and string theory, have observed a phenomenon, which until recently had been thought to have occurred only at distances of many hundreds of thousands of light-years away from Earth, or having been confined only to the […]
Quantum Internet goes HybridICFO researchers report the first demonstration of an elementary link of a hybrid quantum information network, using a cold atomic cloud and a doped crystal as quantum nodes and single photons as information carriers. In a study published in Nature, ICFO researchers Nicolas Maring, Pau Farrera, Dr. Kutlu Kutluer, Dr. Margherita Mazzera, and Dr. Georg Heinze led […]