The announcement is made in light of the recent approval of the preliminary draft of the Spanish government’s budget which announces an investment of more than five billion euros in scienceThe signatories demand a national pact that includes long-term strategies aimed at promoting frontier science and business innovationThe document aims to add and provide strategic […]
100xCiencia.2 conclusions on knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) released on new position paperSOMMa institutions are active participants and generators of KTT, in collaboration with multiple collaborating actorsStability, investment and a supportive environment: requirements for successful KTT 100xCiencia is a forum where Severo Ochoa (SO) and María de Maeztu (MM) research centres and units gather, addressing […]
CNB pioneered in Spain the biomedical public-private partnership with the foundation of its Department of Immunology and Oncology (DIO)Genetrix, a Spin-off started at the DIO, 18 years after its foundation lands its largest successTigenix, a company born from Genetrix subsidiaries and external partners, sold for over 500 million Euro Genetrix: a successful umbrella business strategy […]